Should You Consider IV Sedation for Your Dental Procedure?

If you are avoiding dental treatment because of fear of pain or anxiety from a previous bad experience, today’s advances in sedation dentistry could be the answer to your concerns. IV sedation is a form of sedation dentistry chosen by many patients due to its rapid effects and ability to allow you to relax and be completely comfortable during dental treatment.

With IV sedation, medication is administered intravenously through the veins. Most patients describe the feeling of administering the sedation as a prick or a small pinch. If you have a fear of needles, your dentist may further reduce your anxiety by giving you an oral sedative prior to sedation, or applying a topical anesthetic where the needle will be placed.

One misconception about IV sedation is that you will be asleep or be completely “out” when sedated. Because you stay conscious during IV sedation, you are still able to acknowledge and interact with your dental professional. However, you may have limited memory of the procedure because IV sedation induces a deep state of relaxation. Also, the drugs used for IV sedation can cause some to complete memory loss during the time the drug is in effect. Because of this memory loss, it may feel as if you were “asleep” during the procedure.

Almost any dental procedure can be performed under IV sedation, so there is no longer a need to fear visiting your dentist for necessary dental treatments. With IV sedation, your dentist can accomplish high-quality dentistry while you remain completely relaxed and pain-free.


IV Sedation dentist in Fresno CA