A Guide to Dental Veneers

When you’d like your smile to look healthier and brighter, and you’d like to feel better about yourself, dental veneers might be the answer. These cosmetic restorations can enhance the beauty of teeth no matter how bad they appear before you get them.

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are attached to the fronts of your real teeth to recreate the look of natural teeth, but improve their appearance. When the veneers are applied, a small amount of your enamel must be removed to create room for the veneer. This allows the veneers to fit well and provide better tooth function.

Some common reasons that people get veneers is to transform the color, contours, or shape of their teeth. Veneers also cover gaps, chips, fractures, and minor misalignments of the teeth. Some of the great things about veneers is that they provide strength and resilience compared to your tooth enamel. The color can be selected so that it is just the shade you desire, and the porcelain resists stains so they remain as bright as the day you got them.

An important thing to know about veneers is that it is a permanent treatment. Adjustments and replacement veneers may be needed at some point, but you can never go without veneers completely since a portion of the tooth enamel was eliminated. Also, you will likely wear temporary veneers for a short time while your permanent veneers are created in a lab. Once you have your final veneers, maintenance involves regular brushing and flossing as you would your natural teeth. Your dentist may recommend a less abrasive fluoride toothpaste. You will also be warned to avoid placing excessive stress on your veneers, such as chewing ice or biting your fingernails, since they can be broken in some instances.

If you are looking for a way to improve your smile in a painless and quick method, dental veneers are a great option for most people with healthy teeth who just want to enhance their smile.

If you need a dentist in Fresno, contact us today