Do You Hate the Dentist? Sedation Dentistry Can Help You

Is going to the dentist among the worst things you can imagine doing? Does the sound of the dentist’s drill send chills up your spine? Would you rather be doing just about anything else rather than sitting in a dental chair for any reason at all, large or small? Have you ever put off a dental appointment (or never made one to begin with!) due to fear of the dental office?

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Fear of the dentist is one of the most common fears shared by dental patients across the globe. As a result, patients are turning to sedation dentistry to help them conquer their fears and to enable them to receive their necessary dental therapies.

Oral conscious sedation is offered to dental patients in the form of a pill. Sometimes, if the patient’s anxiety is severe enough, the dentist may prescribe a dose for the night prior to the procedure, as well as an additional pill to be taken up to an hour prior to the treatment. This ensures that patients are well-rested and ready to heal properly, as well as leaving them feeling relaxed and comfortable at the start of the treatment.

Laughing gas, known as laughing gas, can be an effective inhaled conscious sedation. It can leave the patient feeling relaxed, happy and with a floating sensation. Sometimes patients will feel as though they have fallen asleep, but they haven’t. They are still able to comply with the instructions of the dentist.

IV sedation is the deepest and fastest-acting of conscious sedation dental options. It not only deeply sedates the patient while still allowing the patient to be responsive, but it removes the memories of events when it’s active in a patient’s system. Patients have no memory of what occurred, even though they might walk, talk and seem normal.

Remember that you should never drive following any sedation dentistry treatment except for laughing gas. Talk to your dentist about these and other options available to you to make your appointment as stress-free as possible.

Sedation Dentistry Fresno CA