Intravenous or Oral Dental Sedation: Which Is Right For You?

Sedation dentistry is an option for anxious dental patients that allows them to undergo dental procedures and treatment in a relaxing and calm environment. While there are several types of sedation dentistry, oral sedation and intravenous (IV) sedation are two of the most common forms of “conscious” sedation.

Oral sedation is administered in a pill or liquid form and is an attractive option for patients who have a needle phobia. However, with oral sedation the effectiveness can vary, affecting each patient differently dependent on their height, weight, genetics and other factors. Most patients respond well to oral sedation, and it can be used for a wide variety of treatments and procedures. Oral sedation takes time to take effect, and does not allow your dentist any control to adjust the level of sedation once it has been administered.

IV sedation is the strongest type of conscious sedation. With IV sedation you will begin to feel the effects immediately upon injection. IV sedation is most often used for oral surgery procedures, and it produces the strongest amnesic effect. IV sedation is common during oral surgery procedures when even the calmest of patients would benefit from the effects of conscious sedation. IV sedation requires your dentist or oral surgeon to be specially trained and certified, and it allows them greater flexibility in adjusting your level of sedation during the procedure.

To determine which option for sedation would best meet your needs, consult with a qualified sedation dentist. Be sure to make them aware of your level of dental phobia, pain tolerance, and of any other medications you are taking. With either oral or IV sedation there is no need to dread necessary dental care.


Sedation dentist in Fresno