A Look at No-Prep Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are very thin, tooth-colored wafers that can be made from porcelain or dental composite resin material. They are permanently bonded to your natural tooth’s surface in order to give your smile an even, uniform look and a beautiful smile. Dental veneers can correct problems such as crooked, gapped, misshapen, stained, discolored teeth, or teeth that are cracked, chipped or too short.

Standard dental veneers are applied after the cosmetic dentist removes a millimeter or more of the enamel of your natural tooth. This makes room for the bulk of the veneer wafer so that it won’t look artificial on top of the tooth. This step is where many patients are dissatisfied with the procedure; they don’t want to remove any of their enamel, because it can’t re-grow and removing it is permanent.

Because of this concern, a new type of dental veneer has been created known as a “no-prep” or “minimal preparation” veneer. This type of veneer is extremely thin, so thin that your cosmetic dentist doesn’t need to grind away any of your enamel, or at least a smaller amount than with standard veneers.

In many cases, if a patient’s natural teeth are spaced well and have a good shape, an extremely small amount of the teeth will need to be ground down to accommodate the minimal preparation veneer. Your cosmetic dentist will be able to determine the right amount to remove based on your particular teeth and on your smile goals.

If you’re wondering if your teeth make you a candidate for no-prep veneers, contact your cosmetic dentist today. Your specific smile needs will be addressed so you can move forward with the smile you’ve always wanted.

Schedule your appointment at our Fresno dental office