Rethinking Sedation Dentistry: Why You Should Consider it For Your Next Dental Treatment

When you hear the phrase “sedation dentistry,” do you imagine being hooked up with tubes to an IV or being completely asleep or “out of it?” Do you imagine being so relaxed that you are drooling on yourself or saying embarrassing things because you’re under the effects of sedation?

Sedation dentistry can mean being – or feeling – “out,” but there’s so much more it can do for you, the patient. Even if you love the dentist and enjoy getting cleanings, if you’re about to have a dental treatment that’s beyond standard care, you might naturally have some apprehension. Anxiety, fear and trepidation are all feelings that sedation dentistry can help you endure.

There is no longer any reason to feel unnerved prior to a dental treatment. Don’t lose sleep tossing and turning the night before your appointment, imagining the worst. If you are honest with your dentist about your fears, your dentist can help you. Many times, your dentist will prescribe a mild oral sedative meant to be taken the night prior to your appointment. This ensures you a good night’s rest, and puts you directly on the path of a good recovery seated firmly in a rested body.

For other patients, the night before might not be problematic, but the hours prior to the therapy are. As the treatment approaches, you might find yourself feeling more and more on edge. To address these problems, your dentist may give you the same oral sedative to take up to an hour prior to your therapy. This can keep you relaxed and feeling confident about your time in the dental chair.

Don’t suffer unnecessarily with worries about your upcoming dental treatment. Talk to your dentist to see how sedation dentistry can help you be as relaxed as you would be for a routine procedure.

Dr. Smith offers sedation dentistry in Fresno, CA