Sedation Dentistry Questions Answered

A popular way for patients to have positive experiences at the dentist is to use sedation dentistry techniques. Sedation involves administering medication to help you relax and remain pain-free throughout treatment.

What is sedation?
This type of medicine slows the central nervous system, causing you to become less aware of the environment and not notice things like sounds or smells. It also reduces pain, and provides a general feeling of happiness and relaxation.

How is sedation given?
There are a variety of ways sedation can be administered, including swallowing by mouth, inhaling through the nose, or directly through the veins intravenously. The type of sedation chosen depends on the patient and the procedure.

How will I feel?
Most patients feel calm, content, and sometimes sleepy while under sedation. How you feel depends on the level of sedation you are given, because it ranges from mild to moderate to completely unconscious. In dental settings, mild to moderate sedation is often used so that patients are still awake and able to respond to questions or commands the entire time.

Why choose sedation?
Many patients experience dental anxiety or fears, so sedation allows dental treatment without a great deal of stress. It also enables patients to undergo multiple procedures in one visit which might not be possible without sedation. Patients with low pain tolerance or strong gag reflex also benefit from sedation dentistry.

What happens during the appointment?
Sometimes you will need a friend to drive home from the appointment due to the specific level of sedation. You will be monitored carefully throughout treatment to ensure your safety and comfort. Most patients bounce back quickly after dental sedation, and the dentist will provide after-care instructions if needed following treatment.


Sedation dentist in Fresno