Caring For Your Removable Prosthodontics

Your smile and dental health are important. Caring for your dental prosthodontic is equally important. Special care is given to removable prosthodontics, such as full or partial dentures, to ensure longevity and continued good fit and appearance.

Handle your full or partial dentures with extra care. Avoid dropping them, especially over a hard surface such as tile or a sink. To prevent damage resulting from a fall, stand over a folded towel or fill your sink with water to while handling your removable prosthodontics.

Clean your dentures daily by brushing and rinsing. Just like your natural teeth, your full or partial dentures must be brushed daily to remove food particles and to prevent plaque build-up. Brushing also helps prevent discoloration or the development of permanent stains. There are soft-bristle brushes specifically designed for the cleaning and care of dentures. Using a hard-bristle brush can cause damage or wear down your dentures over time. Brush all surfaces of the denture gently, using extra care to avoid damaging the plastic or bending the attachments.

Just as it is recommended to brush your natural teeth after every meal, it is advised that you remove and rinse your dentures after meals. Also, clean your mouth after removing your dentures.

Clean your removable prosthodontics with a cleaner designed specifically for dentures. Mild dishwashing soap or hand soap can be used, but other cleaners and many kinds of toothpastes may be too abrasive and should be avoided. Do not use bleach, as you could whiten the pink portion of the dentures. Ultrasonic cleaners utilizing basins containing a safe cleaning solution may be used, but this will not take the place of thorough daily brushing and care.

Even when you’re not wearing your dentures, you will still need to give them proper care and storage. Dentures will dry out or lose their shape if they aren’t kept moist when they’re not being worn. Place your dentures in water or a denture cleanser soaking solution. Never place your denture in hot liquids, as this could lead to distortion and improper fit. Ask your dentist which option is best for the care and maintenance of your particular denture.

Prosthodontic Dental Services Fresno