Dental Implants and Diabetes

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants wasn’t an option for patients with diabetes few years back. Fortunately for diabetics hoping to restore their smiles with implants, it is possible now. The procedures involved are slightly different in the sense that extensive surgery is not needed. If the patient meets the criteria as a good candidate for implants and agrees to follow the post-operative care instructions, dental implants can be a successful treatment too.

Implants and diabetes haven’t been a good combination when performed in patients who do not have their diabetes well controlled. When diabetes is uncontrolled, bacterial plaque can build up along the gums and cause oral infections. This may lead to gum disease, tooth loss, and bone deterioration, which results in implant failure. And that’s why implants are risky in these patients, because the treatment fails if the jawbone can’t properly fuse with the titanium implant. Uncontrolled diabetes may prevent the bone from growing properly, causing loose implants that may fall out.

However, there is hope. Thos, who have their disease under control, is able to proceed with implants. Studies had shown that the success rate is nearly perfect for patients who have their diabetes in check before the implant surgery and maintained control throughout the process. This provides them the best chance of the implant fully growing into the jawbone to provide a solid foundation for the crown. Taking antibiotics before treatment is also helpful to implant longevity.

Following the dentist’s instructions for post-op care is crucial. Avoiding infections after surgery is critical because that can create complications with a patient’s diabetes. Also, these patients are more susceptible to severe periodontal disease. Getting dental implants is a viable option for diabetes patients who are committed both before and after surgery. In conclusion, diabetic patients should give serious consideration before making up their mind on implant treatment.


If you’re scared of the dentist consider dental implants at our Fresno sedation dental office