The Ins and Outs of Dental Sedation

An estimated 50 percent of Americans don’t visit the dentist because of fear. Without proper treatment, your appearance and oral health can suffer. Sedation dentistry allows nervous patients to receive the dental care they need and the gorgeous smiles they deserve.

Several types of sedation options exist. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is inhaled through a mask placed over the nose, which creates a feeling of peacefulness. Once the dentist discontinues the gas, any side effects will immediately disappear.

With oral conscious sedation, patients take one dose of anti-anxiety medication about an hour before the appointment. Because the sedating effects can linger for up to 12 hours, a responsible adult will need to take you to and from the visit. The dentist and support team will monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure. Some dentists also offer IV sedation, where the medicine is administered intravenously.

Think about these facts when you consider dental sedation:

• Sedation dentistry can effectively relieve the fear many people feel about dental treatment.
• Oral conscious sedation can help individuals who are scared of needles or dislike the sights and smells in a dental office.
• With oral conscious sedation, your dentist can perform several extensive procedures in one visit, which minimizes the disruption to your schedule.
• Generally, most people respond well to oral conscious sedation, even patients who have trouble getting numb.
• In many cases, sedation dentistry makes the experience more pleasant for those with a strong gag reflex, individuals with physical limitations, and those with high levels of apprehension about having dental procedures performed.



Learn more about Sedation Dentistry options at our Fresno, CA dentists office by visiting our website at