Simpler Dental Repairs with CEREC

Getting a dental crown, repairing a cracked tooth, or having an inlay done are things that shouldn’t be put off. Visits to the dentist can be time-consuming and uncomfortable, but CEREC technology allows a simpler process for these types of dental repairs.

CEREC, which stands for Ceramic Restoration or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is an innovative technology that makes dental repair better. Instead of multiple appointments, several injections, and temporary fittings, CEREC simplifies the steps down to a single dental visit and no temporary fittings.

CEREC treatment is performed entirely at the dentist’s office in one sitting. Special software and 3D photography are used to accurately create the restoration, which is made on a milling machine right there. The restoration is carefully carved out of a block of ceramic and then placed on the tooth with resin. The dentist must be trained and certified in the CEREC method to perform this type of repair.

The end result of CEREC is an attractive and perfectly fitting restoration. It closely matches the color of other teeth and can be shaped exactly as desired. The natural tooth that is being repaired does not have to be majorly impacted during the process, as is necessary with some traditional methods of restorations.

CEREC treatment in our Fresno CA dental office  is done with one set of injections for your comfort, so patients who experience dental anxiety don’t have to worry about going back and forth to the dentist. Also, there is no ill-fitting temporary restoration involved that might slip or cause pain. The patient has a complete smile in just one trip to the dentist!