Visiting an Endodontist for a Root Canal

There are a number of reasons you may find out you need root canal treatment. Some of the common issues that require treatment include severe tooth decay, chipped tooth, inflamed tooth pulp, oral swelling, severe cold or hot sensitivity, or a dying tooth that wasn’t treated sooner. If you experience any of these issues, a trip to your dentist is in order. You might then be referred to an endodontist for further treatment.

An endodontist is a specialist who has completed additional training after general dental school. This specialty area focuses on treating issues with the pulp of your teeth. Endodontists are trained to perform all aspects of root canal therapy, from routine procedures to the most complex. Sometimes this type of treatment is the only way to save your tooth, so it’s important to have it done correctly.

Root canal treatment means that the endodontist will remove the pulp portion of your tooth, which is in its interior, and then place a filling in your tooth. This procedure is necessary when the tooth can’t be restored any other way because of infection or decay that has reached the nerve of your tooth. It may take one or more visits to complete your root canal, depending on the severity of the problem. At your initial visit, the doctor will tell you what will be required to complete your treatment and if any preparation is needed such as taking antibiotics beforehand to treat infection.

During the procedure, local anesthetic will be used to numb your tooth. You also may need X-rays. Once your tooth is numb, the endodontist will drill to the center of your tooth and remove the pulp and any infected tissue. The tooth will then be dried and thoroughly cleaned. Finally a temporary or permanent filling will be placed, depending on your case. Although this treatment may sound scary and has a reputation of being painful, improvements in the procedure have made it comparable to having a regular cavity filled. Minimal discomfort and recovery time is usually the situation when you obtain proper treatment from an experienced endodontist.

Schedule your appointment at our Fresno dental office